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December 6, 2011

WIWW: Giving Thanks for Clothing

This past week wasn't the easiest to say the least. During the day on Friday, my heater was repaired. However, by friday night it had malfunctioned and filled up my house with smoke. While, it was overwhelming at the time, I can look back at it now and see the lessons learned. After making some phone calls Friday night, I ended up having to pack up one bag and leave my house in hopes of finding it in one piece the following morning.

Luckily, my house is still standing and I've been able to spend a good deal of the weekend and this week doing some damage control. Since our house smelled like smoke, it became a necessity to wash just about everything. As my washing machine was constantly going, I was reminded to give thanks. This holiday season I've been giving gifts away as a reminder how of blessed I am, and how I need to be a blessing to others. The smoke came out of most of my clothes, so I decided to pack up the clothes I don't wear and donate them to the Goodwill. As I dropped the clothes off, my heart was filled with gratitude for all that I have.

coat: target
top and jeans: ann taylor loft
shoes: rack room



  1. I've thought about you a lot this weekend. You're so lucky. We DO have a lot to be thankful for, don't we? LOVE your jacket & shoes. Adorable!! Have a great week. xoxo

  2. Love your flats! So cute! Doesn't it feel great to donate :)

  3. How adorable are you!? Love your bright pink coat! It's so cute!! :)

    Come check out my Shabby Apple dress giveaway! Perfect for all those holiday parties.

  4. what a bummer about the heat but those shoes are fabulous I'd love you to link this up to my what we wore party over at

  5. I'm so proud of you! Knowing where you were a year ago, it's wonderful to see the learning, growth, and change in your life...and that in which you've encouraged in me too. And I'm uber proud of you for donating clothes without Katie and I there to force you:) I'm so happy to see how Jesus is making you new everyday!

  6. الشركة تعمل بجهد هائل على كيفية التخلص من الحشرات دون عودة ودون أن تسبب أضرار للمقيمين بالمنزل ولاسيما إذا كان هناك أطفال وتقدم الشركة أفضل عمال مدربين تمرين على أعلى مستوى من الكفاءة والخبرة وأيضاً تحت اشراف من مهندسين متخصصين في تلك المجال، تقدم الشركة أفضل الأجهزة المتطورة للوصول إلى الحشرة في الأماكن الخفية التي يصعب الوصول إليها وفى أضيق الأماكن والشقوق، وتستخدم أفضل الأنواع من المبيدات المعتمدة من وزارة الصحة، والشركة تقدم خدماتها لإبادة الحشرات بالمنازل والفلل والقصور والمصالح الحكومية وأيضا المدارس والجوامع والمولات التجارية.
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