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May 10, 2012

5 Things to be Happy About

This week has been full of adventures and dream chasing! I've learned a lot about being fearless and facing trials, and I'm so thankful for what this week taught me!

1. I finally got up the courage to chase after a really, really big dream! I wanted to cry over all the love and support y'all offered up. Oh, it made me heart burst with happiness.

2. I made a random trip to Joann's Fabric and found a cute ring kit, so I made myself a fun little ring in about 2 minutes!

3.  I was in target searching for Mother's Day cards when I found myself in cartoon form and couldn't help but snap a photo. It cracks me up how much it reminds me of myself.

4.  My friends got an adorable puppy and boy am I smitten with him!

5. I attempted to rock a romper and asked for y'alls opinion on twitter. I giggled a little over the responses that people said they didn't like rompers on adults, because this is actually an adult sized article of clothing! {I tend to wear mostly girl's clothing}.

thoughts on the romper?


  1. cute ring! I didn't know they had kits like that at Joann's...might have to look for one next time I'm there. ;)

    Have a lovely weekend, Carrie!

  2. i think the romper is cute. and that ring is super cute!

  3. Yes, I love the romper! It looks cute on you!! :)
    New follower from Casey Wiegand's link up :)

  4. Hi Caroline - thank you for your lovely email! I thought I'd come and check out your blog, you have a wonderful attitude and I wish you all the best with your clothes line. I'm now following you!

    I think you look super sute in the romper - you have the toned legs and arms for it, so why not?? Black stops it looking like it's meant for a child, so it works really well!

    I hope to see you over at my blog sometime - would be lovely to hear from you! Oh and I'm having a giveaway if you might be interested?

    Enter my ReVintage Jewellery Giveaway!

    Catherine x

  5. Love your list! It's so great to count your blessings! I am a new follower. I found your blog on Wiegands blog hop.

    Hope you stop by and follow back when you can! Happy Mother's Day!

  6. I'm a fan of the romper - do it, girl! (But add a belt!)
