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January 13, 2015

2015 Necklace Club!

One year ago, I had one of those rainy day crazy-eyed ideas that I decided to act on. I thought it would be fun to get 1 necklace each month throughout the year. So I decided to launch the Necklace Club. It ended up being way more successful than I would of imagined and ended up being one of my highlights from 2014!

I debated doing it again in 2015 mainly because I was afraid it wouldn't be as successful or that I would consider it a failure round two. But I decided that I needed to punch fear in the face and be brave. So I'm back for a second round and I hope YOU are too!

The Necklace Club is this: you'll receive one necklace at the end of every month in 2015. The total cost is $189.99 which includes all necklace costs plus shipping. The necklaces are valued at $19.99-$49.99. Once you join, you'll receive a survey to let us know your favorite colors and styles! To join for the full year click the link here -----> 2015 Necklace Club. Use code "2015" and get $30 off. UPDATED: You can still join the necklace club, but you will only receive February-December's necklaces (11 in total).

Also, you asked, I heard! After much thought I decided to add a monthly option for the Necklace Club as I understand paying $189.99 upfront can be a lot . And I wanted to make it affordable for everyone to join in! The monthly club plan will charge your account $16 each month on the day that you sign up for it for 11 months. Just click on the subscribe button below and follow the directions and then you are all set!

and anyone wanting to buy the ampersand necklace they saw on instagram the link is right here ---> gold ampersand necklace. FYI: It will be part of the 2015 Necklace Club!


  1. Is there an option to cancel the subscription later in the year? Not that I would, but it's just nice to know. :)

  2. I signed up for the subscription, will I get a survey about preferences also?

  3. I would love to see previous necklaces before I decide. Are they different lengths and styles?

  4. I signed up earlier today for the monthly option. Am I going to receive the survey separately?

  5. I am wondering if there is a collection of photos from last year's necklace club??? What a FUN idea!

    1. Me too! I'm so afraid it will be styles I don't like or won't use.

  6. I've joined and still haven't received the survey. Is there a way to check!

  7. (5) غسل الملابس في الغسالة الأوتوماتيكية باستخدام أحد برامج الغسيل التي تعتمد على المياه الساخنة، مع وضع مقدار كوبين من الكلور المخصص للملابس الملونة، ثم التعامل معها كأي ملابس عادية، لكن قبل ذلك يتم وضعها في سلة مخصصة أو كيس بلاستيكي يتم التخلص منه مباشرة، أو غسل اليدين جيداً بعد نقلها من باب الشقة للغسالة من دون لمس العين أو الوجه أو أي شيء حتى غسيل اليد جدا.
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