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March 6, 2013

Be Open to Opportunities

I had a bit of a rough weekend. It was the kind of weekend that made me look at the world a little more jaded than usual. I was reminded that you can't always trust strangers and that I probably shouldn't be as naive as I am. The weekend ended with me leaving my card in the ATM machine. Who does that?! I actually went by the bank first thing this morning and watched them take my card out. However, for "safety" reasons they refused to return my card to me and instead I had to close out my account and reopen a new one. I sighed as I left the bank mentally going through my head of all the places where I'd  enter my new card numbers.

Needless to say, I was having a serious case of the Mondays. My life is currently in a state of boxes as I'm moving across town later in the week. Somehow my P.O. keys got lost in the mix of boxes, so I had to spent the morning in line at the post office getting a replacement set. I was cranky, tired, and completely over the cold weather we've been having lately. 

I decided that perhaps a long run would make help me re-set the day right. I bundled up and headed out the door. There is just something about breathing in the air, feet pounding against the pavement, and great songs to jam out to that makes a day a little better.

I got to about the half-way point of my run when I noticed a lady across the street. She was at the bus stop and I couldn't tell as to whether or not she was waiting for the bus or had just gotten off the bus. I noticed that she had about 12 plastic grocery bags around her feet and I watched as she attempted to gather them all into her arms. I called across the street to see if she needed any help. I really wish I could of shown you her face because she was over the moon with my offer. Sometimes I forget that we need each other, that we are meant to support, encourage, and inspire others. That life is simply not meant to be walked alone. I helped this sweet lady carry her groceries back to her house. It was seriously such a humbling experience and she talked about life without a car, and how it means that she often does one large grocery shop a week. Her house was nowhere near the bus stop, so I'm not entirely sure how she does it the long walk every week. As we neared her house, her sweet mailman stopped by and gathered up all her groceries in his mail trunk and grow them home. I needed to be reminded that people are good and kind. All the things that felt big and annoying about my life faded into the background.

My take away: Life is messy, hard, and beautiful. Things will not go your way. Help others in spite of that.


  1. I love this post. I've often found that when I am having a no good day/week, a news story or event will happen that humbles me and makes me grateful for all the things I have. I doubt it's a coincidence.

    Also, I love hearing stories of all the good in the world. Most of the time, everything is about the bad events and it makes you forget that there are good people out there, doing good deeds and helping others. You're one of them. Keep it up!

  2. Great post. You are sending a wonderful message. And I love that you chose to run to help yourself better. I think it's not always easy to remember exercise makes us feel better and it tends to always do so.


  3. Love this perspective, Carrie.

    I've been in a funk of just sadness about life in general. Life after the Fall is crappy sometimes.

    Sweet reminder from you today that not all is bad.

  4. What an awesome lesson! Just think if we all went out of our way to help others, what a better world we would live in!!

    Oh, and I've been dying to get out and run. It's been a long time, but I know how good i feel after.
    I need to just do it!

    Great Post!!

  5. Isn't it funny how something can change your whole perspective? I had a really tough day at school this week and a student handed me a note that simply said "You are loved." Wow! Not only did it encourage me, but it reminded me to be more conscious of encouraging others.

  6. It's posts like this that everyone needs to read every once in a while :) thank you so much for the encouraging reminder.

    Hope you are having a great week so far!

  7. I helped an older lady in a wheelchair get a gallon of milk into her cart at the grocery story. It always a reminder of all I am blessed with when I see someone like that, and I am thankful I had to opportunity to help her out! Also, a run always does make it better, don't you think? :)
